Readers and Tutors

CalTime Training Materials for Readers and Tutors

The following are training jobs aids applicable to biweekly paid employees in reader or tutor job titles. Most employees in a reader or tutor position are exempt from overtime and record time in CalTime as an "Anytime" employee. However there are some readers and tutors that also have a student assistant job and may be required to report time as a "RealTime" employee and may be eligible for overtime. You may review the frequently asked questions for more information.

Anytime Employee Job Aids

"Anytime" employees record time and leave taken directly in the timecard section of CalTime (Majority of Readers and Tutors)

A training video is available to convey how to record and approve time in CalTime: Employees in a Reader or Tutor Position - Recording and Approving Time (5:04 min.)

RealTime Employee Job Aids

"RealTime" employees record time using the Timestamp section at the right of the CalTime webpage and are required to report time at the beginning and end of their shift. (Typically Reader or Tutors with a student assistant job)